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HTh Graduate School of Education - Year 2

Welcome to my website where I showcase my graduate school work and my journey towards becoming a teacher. As an aspiring educator, my passion is to push students to understand the endless possibilities of learning that exist beyond the classroom walls.


Throughout my graduate school experience, I have been fortunate to explore the diverse ways that students can be inspired and challenged to become lifelong learners. From project-based learning to experiential education, I have found that students thrive when given the opportunity to take ownership of their own learning.


I believe that as educators, we have the responsibility to challenge the traditional approach to teaching and instead create a learning environment that is relevant, engaging, and meaningful for our students. Let us join together to push the boundaries of what education can be and inspire our students to be curious, critical thinkers who are ready to take on the world.

Lesson Study Cycle 1 - Evidence Based Writing

What strategies can we utilize to help students further develop their ability to identify and utilize evidence in supporting a claim in their writing? 


In our first lesson study cycle my team turned our attention to honing students' writing abilities; specifically their ability to write evidence-based paragraphs. We noticed that while students may be able to write and articulate their thoughts in a free flowing, or stream of consciousness, style of writing, they struggled when tasked with writing in an academic style. Our group decided to focus on assisting students in developing their academic writing ability through the introduction of a Claim-Evidence-Reasoning paragraph structure. 

Image by Etienne Girardet

Lesson Study Cycle 2 - Student Voice

Students will understand the significance of exercising their agency and stepping forward in group discussions, while also having the awareness to share the space with other students.


In Lesson Study Cycle 2 we worked to identify ways to increase student voice and participation in class discussions. Our hope is to find a way to help students understand the significance of exercising their agency and stepping forward in group discussions, while also having the awareness to share the space with other students.

Image by Jason Rosewell

Lesson Study Cycle 3 

Students will grow into critical consumers by learning to identify and infer social themes and messages in artwork. They will use visual thinking strategies and their own lived experiences to think critically about the world around them and the messages that are delivered and received both explicitly and through subliminal/targeted messaging. 


In Lesson Study Cycle 3 we turned our attention to students visual literacy. More specifically, we introduced students to Visual Thinking Strategies (VTS) as a way to help cultivate their ability to critically consume media. A skill that is becoming more and more necessary in our expanding digital world. 

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